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Articles by Utopia Support

Party all the time

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in Features

You will have seen the work of Party Hire around the island, be it at any of the Punanga Nui night markets or the prime minister’s functions. The business caters for all party needs for a variety of events – from family reunions, weddings and funerals to corporate and government functions. White is the colour […]

What cameras?

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, No doubt everyone is concerned with the deaths on our roads but I have to wonder what ever happened to the speed cameras that were gifted to the Rarotonga police (let alone their presence on our roads). Since the ‘clean up’ of overgrown trees on the roadside, the back road around Avarua has […]

Kata - July 5, 2012

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in Kata

Tinned tuna at school lunches

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in National

For cabinet ministers and Rarotonga students alike, tinned tuna was on yesterday’s lunch menu. Those children who participated in a nationwide contest to design the ‘Cook Islands Golden Tuna’ label that will adorn cans of Cook Islands tinned tuna received free samples of Starkist tuna – lunch packs and tuna tins – from minister of […]

Sisters join brother's discovery mission

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in National

A chance to understand what life was like in the Cook Islands for the late Arthur Beren is why two of his daughters – accompanied by ‘war baby’ half-brother, also Arthur Beren – are in the country. Reba Burns and JoAnn Beren were excited about seeing where their father, who was an NCO in the […]

Fish footage wows crowd

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in National

A group of 25 people are among the fortunate few worldwide who have seen what life is like on the deep reefs of Rarotonga. Fresh from another deep reef dive, marine researchers Richard Pyle and Brian Bowen gave a presentation to a packed MBA Room at the University of the South Pacific on Tuesday night. […]

Prison for careless driver

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in National

Two men were sentenced for careless driving causing injury by Justice Hugh Williams in the High Court last Thursday. Vainerii Akaapa was sentenced to four months in prison followed by 12 months of probation service for his careless driving which caused injury. He was disqualified from holding a drivers licence for two years. John Junior […]

Key witness changes tune

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in National

A theft charge was thrown out of the High Court yesterday after Crown’s key witness changed his story. Jason Arioka was in court for stealing property from a tourist’s scooter – which he denied – however justices of the peace John Kenning, John Whitta and Georgina Keenan-Williams dismissed the charge. Crown prosecutor Tuaine Manavaroa said […]

Rarotonga flight diverted

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in National

An Air New Zealand flight from Rarotonga was diverted to Wellington yesterday morning after heavy fog meant the plane could not land in Auckland. Air New Zealand local manager David Bridge confirmed that NZ749 was diverted to the capital after Auckland Airport was closed due to fog. ”The flight refuelled in Wellington then was able […]

Peters keeps ties strong

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in National

He is known in New Zealand for his infamous lines and unashamed nature in parliament, but New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is ensuring he preserves the special relationship both he and the country have with the Cook Islands. Peters was in Rarotonga this week getting updates on issues concerning aid, foreign affairs and issues […]

8 months without formal powers

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in National

The Cook Islands is still without an ombudsman. For over seven months, the office of the ombudsman has been without formal powers. Ombudsman Janet Maki resigned in December to pursue other opportunities, and the prime minister has yet to fill the vacancy as is his mandate. ”The vacancy for the ombudsman position is yet to […]

Disappointment over arts festival

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in National

The Cook Islands Arts Council is exceedingly disappointed that no Cook Islands contingent is representing the country at Honiara’s Festival of Pacific Arts. Chairman Mike Tavioni says it is ”stupid“ that the Cook Islands failed to send a delegation, and believes there was ”no bloody excuse“ for it. The Ministry of Cultural Development has said […]

Cooks invite overseas teams for soccer holiday

Thursday 5 July 2012 | Published in Football

The Cook Islands Football Association is inviting teams from New Zealand, Australia and around the world to visit Rarotonga and bring their team for an action packed football tour. Senior and junior male and female teams are being invited to the islands where tours can be arranged to suit individual clubs or group needs. The […]

Arts festival 'cut'

Tuesday 3 July 2012 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands Voyaging Society is attending the Festival of Pacific Arts in the Solomon Islands, but due to budgetary constraints the Ministry of Cultural Development will not be sending any other delegation to Honiara. Secretary for culture Sonny Williams confirmed this week that the vaka voyagers will be the only contingent representing the Cook […]

Police deny 999 fault

Tuesday 3 July 2012 | Published in Local

Police are denying there is anything wrong with the 999 emergency line, despite members of the public having to go to the aid of two stranded kayakers last week after emergency calls failed. Whitesands Beach Villas owner Don Beer said on Sunday June 24 a guest came and told him two American kayakers were having […]

$5m for climate change projects

Tuesday 3 July 2012 | Published in Local

Five million dollars has been invested into a programme to help the Pa Enua build resilience to climate change and reduce disaster risk. The programme, which will be rolled out over five years, is called Strengthening the Resilience of our Islands and our Communities to Climate Change (SRIC-CC), or akamatutu’anga i te iti tangata no […]

Blood donors are superheroes!

Tuesday 3 July 2012 | Published in Local

In support of Red Cross and their blood donor campaign – Tereora College students dressed in red last week. The national college went one step further by creating this photo of a drop of blood – giving blood means giving life. World Blood Donor Day was this year celebrated globally on June 14 with events […]

Stop fish feeding before it is banned

Tuesday 3 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Some tourism operators don’t believe that feeding fish food that is not a natural part of their diet will cause long term negative impact, so to expand upon Saturday’s fish feeding article here’s a few more facts from marine biologist Katherine Ross. Crown of Thorns (COTs) are naturally present on a reef in […]

Helmets won't help

Tuesday 3 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I don’t think compulsory wearing of helmets will help. Some how or some way we have to educate people of all ages that getting paralytic pissed and then hopping on a motor bike and trying to drive home at 80km hour is just not done, it’s not normal and it’s a recipe for […]

Sanctuary should be in marine park

Tuesday 3 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am very supportive of the concept of a shark sanctuary in Cook Islands waters as long as it is included under the umbrella of the prime minister’s proposed Cook Islands Marine Park. I am not in favour of different organisations seeking self aggrandisement via setting up various different schemes all competing for […]

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