Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai flatly denies rumours that China intends to establish a military base in Fiji. Tiankai met with Cook Islands and New Zealand media at Edgewater on Thursday night. In response to questions about whether China intends to step up its military presence in Fiji, Tiankai was clear that his government […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
The Chinese government says it does not perceive US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit as a threat to its relations with Pacific Island nations. This year, for the 23rd time, a Chinese delegation participated in the post-Forum dialogue. Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai told reporters on Thursday night at Edgewater that his government does […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
That a Taiwanese delegation is on Rarotonga for the Forum does not worry the Chinese government. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai told reporters on Thursday night that most Forum island countries have declared their support for the Chinese government, thereby rejecting the possibility of establishing diplomatic ties with Taiwan. “I think most island countries […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
Below is the text of a speech delivered by Prime Minister Henry Puna, following a week of Forum deliberations and preceding yesterday morning’s post-Forum dialogue. Forum theme As you will know, the theme of this year’s Forum is “Large Ocean Island States – the Pacific Challenge”. This is aimed at striking a balance between sustaining […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
A face-to-face with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was the highlight of the week for the Sisters of Charity, a group of nuns based in Titikaveka. Yesterday, Clinton emerged from one of a convoy of vehicles to greet an eager crowd gathered at Trader Jack’s on the Avarua waterfront. Canons poised and videocameras mounted, […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton takes time out of her busy schedule to chat with Pacific Islands Conservation Initiative programme manager Jess Cramp, originally from America. Clinton accepted a request by Cramp to pose with a shark fin in support of shark protection in the Cook Islands. Clinton engaged with Cramp about her programme […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday met with a group of men and women committed to improving the lives of their Pacific sisters. She convened the Rarotonga Dialogue on Gender Equality at Tamarind, attended by men and women from the Australian government, International Development, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, United Nations Development Program, […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the Pacific is “big enough” to accommodate the presence and interests of both Washington and Beijing. Speaking to reporters at Ngatipa yesterday, Clinton said she welcomes China’s involvement in the Pacific. “The United States welcomes the chance to work with a broad array of partners in […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
Labelling the United States a “Pacific nation”, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says her government intends to be present in the region “for the long run”. “The United States is very proud to be a Pacific nation with a long history in this region, and we are committed to be here for the long […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is taking a piece of the Cook Islands home with her. As gratitude for her support of the Cook Islands’ marine conservation initiatives, the Cook Islands Pearl Authority yesterday gifted her with a strand of AB pearls and a pair of black pearls studs set in white gold. […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
By Vaine Wichman Development Economist Teura and I proudly did our national duty last Tuesday. We stood in our guard of honour, and danced and welcomed Julia Gillard, Australia’s Prime Minister, on to our shores. This will be the third Forum I can remember the Cook Islands hosting. There was the 1985 one (16th meeting), […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in National
Te Vaerua staff offered their gratitude to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) at an official handover ceremony yesterday. The ADB’s Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction Program (JFPR) gave $167,000 in grants for four projects for homecare and nursing services in the Cook Islands earlier this month. Exactly 100 elderly and persons with disabilities will receive […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
THIS LOCAL WOMAN, flying an upside down American flag, was sending mixed messages outside the Avarua court house yesterday as the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived for breakfast at Traders Jacks. The woman didn’t seem to have a bone to pick with the Americans as she stood alone waving her flag, however according […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
“The $50,000,000 that New Zealand has pledged for surveillance and management of Pacific fisheries is a bit laughable for us here in the Cook Islands,” a smoke signaller writes. “We don’t need any surveillance; we’ve given the Chinese carte blanche to take all our fish and sharks. One wonders if the amount of that $50 […]
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Environment
A ‘zero waste’ Cook Islands is the goal of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning’s Water, Waste and Sanitation unit (WATSAN) and waste management department. And the acquisition of a brand new compacting machine from New Zealand company Engineering Solutions is a step towards this goal says MOIP Minister Teariki Heather and New Zealand High […]
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Local
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It’s wonderful to see all and sundry getting behind the ideas of a shark sanctuary and a marine park – but the interesting absence of any comments or cheers from the Minister and Secretary of Marine Resources has to be noted. The reason for their silence lies of course in their knowledge that […]
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read with interest the proposal by Hawaiki Cable Ltd to connect a cable to Rarotonga. It would be fantastic if it got off the ground, but some questions have to be asked. Who is funding the capital cost of the project? It seemed from the article the Pacific islands governments would have […]
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Perhaps someone can tell me what the purpose of the Cook Islands National Environment Service is. I am very disappointed every time I drive through town watching the machinery work to reclaim land for the Punanga Nui, or see an old tree cut down for ‘beautification purposes’, or see a big scar in […]
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Kata
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