Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Local
Police are urging parents to look after their children better to avoid them being caught up in a life of crime. Police have been busy over the last couple of weeks carrying out special investigations targeting burglars and other offenders involved in criminal activities around Rarotonga. To date, police have arrested a total of 11 […]
Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Is it a large typo error or an administrative oversight for Tongareva airport not to be listed as a subject of the advertised Airports Feasibility Study Project? Surely Penrhyn airfield is of such strategic importance to this country and the region, that it cannot be left out of this review. The long standing […]
Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have just learnt that most important person at CISNOC has moved on and I’m pretty sure he is pretty disappointed that things have not gone the way it was supposed to. A few times I have made enquiries about different issues with CISNOC and I have been passed from one person to […]
Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to express my concern over the story ‘New Chinese operator linked to Luen Thai’ (CINews September 18). Perhaps it is a mere coincidence that the very public donation of $50,000 worth of computers from the charitable arm of Luen Thai Fishing Venture came just two weeks after Huanan Fisheries (Cook Islands) […]
Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in Kata
Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in National
Local derby cricket matches are sure to provide plenty of entertainment in the third round of the Computer Man men’s and Edgewater women’s cricket this weekend. Ninth placed Davana will be looking for a win this weekend as Paes Kirikava’s boys are ready to rumble in their local derby against the Muri Creeps. The Creeps […]
Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in National
Peace begins with you. Be the change to make a difference. They are simple phrases, but for Eleitino Paddy Walker and the Pan Pacific and Southeast Asian Women’s Association (PPSEAWA), they are potent enough to change the world. These are women who have devoted time and energy to waging peace, to reminding people that the […]
Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in National
There is no secret way to turn this world into a peaceful place, says peace advocate Eleitino Paddy Walker. The prescription is simple – children raised in peaceful homes will grow up to value peace. The takeaway message? “Go home and love your family,” she says, quoting a heroine of hers, Mother Theresa. Today, on […]
Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in National
Health minister Nandi Glassie wants to pursue ongoing efforts to tackle problems related to non-communicable diseases and will take advantage of an upcoming meeting of the World Health Organisation (WHO) to encourage further steps to strengthen regional policies and programmes. The minister will be attending the 63rd Session of the WHO Regional Committee for the […]
Friday 21 September 2012 | Published in National
Cook Islands News still has not received confirmation of the amount that the Pacific Islands Forum cost the country. Prime Minister Henry Puna says his government is awaiting figures and invoices. “As much as I’d love to be up front about it, the reality is we’re still waiting for costs and invoices.” he said. “There’s […]
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in Church Talk
Jubilant kids at Avarua School headed home early to play on Tuesday afternoon, after water supply in the school’s area stopped. A faulty valve on the main pipe on the back-road affected all properties from Avarua School to Avarua Church. Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning water technician Wilson Rani predicted the valve would be fixed […]
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in Environment
The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has launched the Pacific Climate Change Portal, an online hub of information on climate change in the Pacific region. The portal features an events calendar, experts directory, documents, national and regional committees, image library and links to virtual libraries in the Pacific on climate change. Launched […]
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in Local
Alexis Wolfgramm is predicting she will be the only person at the All Blacks’ test match in Argentina wearing an ei katu. She’s probably right. Today Wolfgramm flies to New Zealand ahead of her Saturday departure for Argentina aboard a black Air New Zealand charter adorned with an All Blacks fern. She is one of […]
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in Local
A committee has formed to prepare a policy guideline and funding strategy for a proposal to build the cost of recycling into import levies. In other words, a portion of the fee charged to import a product would cover its eventual disposal and shipment offshore. The committee, comprising Malcolm Sword and John Wichman of Recycling […]
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in Kata
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in National
A recent education conference in Bangkok highlighted the need for teachers to understand the technology they are teaching students – but it seems Cook Islands is ahead of the pack. In opening the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Forum on information and communication technology (ICT) in education last week, UNESCO director-general Irina Bokova strongly emphasised the role of […]
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in National
The chief executive of Telecom Cook Islands does not believe there is scope here to follow New Zealand’s lead to regulate internet providers. Telecom CEO Jules Maher says there is no demand from customers here to introduce a code that would regulate broadband – which New Zealand recently announced plans to do. New Zealand’s communications […]
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in National
Online marketing promises to help boost tourism growth in the Pacific Islands. Tourist arrivals into Pacific Island countries are forecasted to reach 1.8 million in 2015, a growth of 19 percent over the 1.5 million recorded in 2011. Increases in small and medium size tourism operators’ online development and marketing initiatives are expected to contribute […]
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in National
The Ministry of Agriculture is hoping to privatise the much-maligned pawpaw heat treatment unit (above) after it is re-certified by the man who created the machine in October. The unit failed its last assessment after two of the four tests designed to test the heating capacity of the fruit did not reach the required temperature […]
Thursday 20 September 2012 | Published in National
Aitutaki police are looking spick and span with three new additions to their fleet – two gleaming white motorcycles and a new pick-up truck. The island’s police have had to cope with just one police truck which has been around since 2002 – the oldest police truck still running to date. However, just before Pacific […]
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