Monday 3 December 2012 | Published in Kata
Opposition barking up the wrong tree December 3
Monday 3 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands
The Cook Islands is likely to feature heavily in German media soon – as five German travel editors are on the island to see for themselves what the country has to offer.
Monday 3 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands
A brand new barge will be shipped to Tongareva on the maiden Cook Islands voyage of the Tiare Moana.
Monday 3 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The recently-formed Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee has released their first report on six key government agencies.
Monday 3 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The four-month-old Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee has noted the government does not have an overall land policy to deal with Crown-owned land, and this causes confusion over rates and ownership.
Monday 3 December 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller writes: “Reading the news the other day it was good to see we have one Member of Parliament in the opposition, Norman George, still alive and firing questions at the government ministers – especially when the ministers are spending more time overseas on taxpayers’ money than here in the Cook Islands. What is happening to the rest of the opposition members, are they still alive or dead? Go Cook Islands Party, make the most of it.”
Monday 3 December 2012 | Published in Football
The Cook Islands Football knock-out competition lived up to the hype providing intense football drama at Victoria Park and the Takitumu School grounds.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Art
International recording artist Spawnbreezie will be making his debut appearance in the Cook Islands on Friday.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Environment
Greenpeace activists this week sought conservation commitments from fishing powers taking part in the upcoming global summit on Pacific tuna fisheries.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Environment
Four juvenile green turtles have been released by Ministry of Marine Resources staff in Manihiki.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Local
A warrior in a traditional vaka guides Vaka Eiva paddlers along Muri beach for the final festival event in the Muri sprints. Mapu Oe Vaka and senior paddlers were welcomed to the iconic beach with drum beats and chants before teams found a spot under a shady tree to prepare for a long day of fast and furious sprints plus loads of fun. Junior paddlers started the day’s event with their lagoon races and sprints before the big boys and girls came out with paddles at the ready for sprint glory and the hugely popular novelty races.Report and photos on page 18 and 20. 12113043
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Local
In 2013, the Cook Islands Breast Cancer Foundation (CIBCF) is hoping to better an already successful year.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Local
It has been a week of celebrations and the sharing of cultures with the Vaka Eiva adopt a school programme.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Local
A book that tells an intriguing tale of an American fraudster and fugitive has just been published in the Cook Islands.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Local
Choosing a career is a huge challenge for school-leavers and for those seeking a change to their current career path.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Local
The mapu oe vaka paddling events wrapped up with a successful day of sprint action in Muri.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Local
Team Paea from Tahiti cut across Muri lagoon during the Vaka Eiva sprints on Friday. The 500m sprints across the lagoon and fun filled novelty games and races brought the 9th Vaka Eiva Festival to another successful end. After a day of fast and furious paddling and loads of fun in Muri – paddlers returned to oe vaka headquarters at Avarua harbour for the trophy presentations and Paddles Up party. More photos and results from the sprint will feature in Monday’s paper. 12113036
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, My husband and I would like to congratulate the check-out girls who serve us in Foodland. The elderly couple that we are, have our shopping days filled with smiles and laughter by the delightful girls who make us feel special.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Mr John Scott’s swipe against the opposition is gravely misplaced and unfounded.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Kata
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