Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands
“Adopt a Rotarian” was a concept put together by Vaitau Primary School on Aitutaki while seeking assistance for their school.
Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Cabinet members met with heads of ministries for a two day retreat last week to discuss next year’s budget.
Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Finance minister Mark Brown is making the most of parliament’s wireless internet allowance to update the public on the House proceedings.
Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The rights of workers are to be better protected in groundbreaking legislation that includes protections around maternity leave, discrimination and termination.
Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Prime Minister Henry Puna said the government has “nothing to hide” when deciding which company to grant a shipping licence to.
Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George has admitted he did not get the figures about foreigners making up 35 percent of the workforce from an official source.
Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Football
The Nikao Sokattak will meet arch rivals Tupapa Maraerenga in the Premier Men’s Knock-out Cup finals on Saturday December 15 at the CIFA complex in Matavera.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Local
Dressed up for Christmas in the Market – Georgia Short (left) and sister Jaime (right) with Jaime’s children Dylan (centre left) and Mila (right) celebrate the festive season on Wednesday night. 12120626
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Local
Prime Minister Henry Puna will not be in parliament next week. Instead, he flies to Africa for the 7th African-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) leaders summit.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Local
Papaaroa College ended their school year with a celebration this week.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Local
Creating the perfect setting for wedding ceremonies is the idea behind new local business – Creative Arch.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Local
The iconic Rarotongan language guide ‘Say it in Rarotongan’ has been reprinted and is available at the Bounty Bookshop in Avarua.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands National Council of Women (CINCW) is looking for screenwriters to help develop a television series on issues facing women in the Cook Islands.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The PM deplores domestic violence, said the headline in CINews on Friday December 7, although what he says is confusing in that the PM seemed to think it was okay for village elders and parents to give kids hidings as this was a traditional communal approach (which is domestic violence isn’t it?). He then says he despises domestic violence and especially violence of men against women.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write in response to John Scott’s letter yesterday. Firstly my apologies to Mr Scott. In my responses to a question posed by Mr Norman George in Parliament, I relied on memory rather than the written report to provide an answer.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The other day when driving along the back road in Matavera I noticed the very person who had been guilty of leaving his unbroken water hose running 24/7 into his taro swamp now has two hoses running into the same taro patches.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Kata
Norman on normal domestic relationship December 8
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen this week asked prime minister and attorney-general Henry Puna to come clean on rumours that the government is involved in a court case that could cost the country “millions and millions”.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics
Teenui-Mapumai MP Norman George remarked in parliament on Thursday if former New Zealand First MP Brendan Horan was allowed to leave his party without question to become an independent MP – so should he.
Saturday 8 December 2012 | Published in Politics
The Democratic Party candidate for the Tamarua seat in Mangaia has been announced as Tetangi Matapo.
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