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Articles by Utopia Support

Joseph getting faster, stronger

Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Rugby Union

Teenage rugby player Othniel Joseph believes he will only continue to make improvements on his game after securing his second scholarship with Auckland school Sacred Heart College.

Online renewal within 5 days

Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Technology

The first Cook Islander to renew his passport online is praising the virtual method after it took just five days for his passport to arrive.

Soccer celebrations continue

Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Published in Football

The Nikao Sokattak and Tupapa Maraerenga football clubs were the two most successful during Saturday’s knockout club finals at the CIFA complex in Matavera.

Fisherman's work

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local

Dedicated fisherman Jubilee Jubilee (aged four) was one of about 150 anglers at Saturday’s highly successful junior fishing competition at Avana harbour.

#1 for Kiwi weddings

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands has been declared the most popular wedding destination for Kiwis outside New Zealand.

Captain Moko's fishing comp draws 150

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local

Avana harbour came to life early on Saturday morning when 150 keen junior anglers descended on the foreshore where the fish were biting.

Juniors honoured at Tereora

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local

Tereora College’s year 9 and year 10 students were the toast of the school at the junior prizegiving on Thursday.

Nukutere juniors praised

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local

Nukutere College’s high-performing junior students had their time to shine at a prizegiving held on Friday.

Teachers as researchers

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local

Discovering how different strategies can help children improve in the classroom is behind the ‘teachers as researchers’ programme.

Inmates plant 200 trees

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local

Inmates at the Arorangi Prison did their part to ensure the future of island trees when they planted 200 seedlings in their grounds last Tuesday.

Energy audit equipment given to reduce power bills

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Local

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has donated over $14,000 of energy audit equipment to the Cooks.

Fishing boats to be monitored

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

A new initiative to monitor illegal fishing practices was announced at a recent regional fishing meeting in the Philippines. All vessels passing through exclusive economic zones of Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission [WCPFC] member countries – including the Cooks – from high sea areas will soon have to switch on vessel monitoring systems (VMS).

Omissions of rules a serious breach

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I do not want this letter to be interpreted as an attack on the Government nor on the Minister but rather to highlight how easy it is to drift into complacency and why MPs generally need to make an effort to be better informed so they can perform their role more effectively.

Plan query

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I got a message from a friend in NZ recently that read:

Sokattak wins knockout shootout

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

In the premier men’s knockout finals on Saturday Nikao Sokattak defeated Tupapa Maraerenga in a penalty shootout three goals to two after the score was locked at one all at full time. The match lived up to the predicted excitement and thrills right from the start until the final whistle.

Kata - December 17, 2012

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Kata

PM performs in South Africa December 17

Pine tree study raised in Africa

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Outer Islands

The prime Minister has furthered two Cook Islands’ agricultural projects while at a conference in Africa.

Man who lifts tone of parliament retires

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Politics

Retiring clerk of parliament Nga Valoa was given a moving farewell at the parliamentary grounds on Thursday.

Long ear of the law

Monday 17 December 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller emails us from New Zealand: “Hi, I spotted this on [social networking site] Twitter under ‘This is why New Zealand police need to recruit more people with an understanding of different languages and cultures’.” The Twitter post provided a link to the original posting (see image) and discussion on the equally powerful social networking site Facebook, where there was lively discussion on the topic and plenty of thumbs up. Some making comments doubted the existence of a language called Cook Islands Maori and a number of Cook Islanders jumped in to set the record straight. If the original Facebook posting is genuine, the police callout in New Zealand was unfortunately for a case of domestic violence in a Cook Islands family.

Global weaving live in Arorangi

Saturday 15 December 2012 | Published in Art

German artist Sussana Sitterding with the ‘endless global weaving’ piece which she has been working on since last year. See her working live at The Arts Studio in Arorangi – story page 7. 12121111

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