Tuesday 14 September 2021 | Written by Te Tuhi Kelly | Published in Editorials, Opinion
For yonks we have gone around in circles talking about diversifying our economy, lessening our reliance on tourism receipts, investing in agricultural enterprises, foreign investment and guess what, the clamour for change has fallen on deaf ears, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party of the Cook Islands.
Tuesday 17 August 2021 | Written by Te Tuhi Kelly | Published in Editorials, Opinion
Something is not right with our education system and the teachers are fed up and have had enough, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party of the Cook Islands.
Wednesday 30 June 2021 | Written by Te Tuhi Kelly | Published in Editorials, Opinion
During the recent sitting of Parliament, two MPs from both side of the house tried to push forward the argument that if Covid-19 continues to affect the country’s financial situation, the forthcoming general elections should be delayed. Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party, says those MP’s haven’t done their homework.
Tuesday 16 February 2021 | Written by Te Tuhi Kelly | Published in Editorials, Opinion
There are some people interested in starting up a new workers union to provide support for workers faced with employment relations issues, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party.
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