Monday 26 June 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
The power of people in power to intimidate is not absent from our little community, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 19 June 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
The absence of courage in our society these days is not cowardice, it is complacency, conformity and contradiction, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 12 June 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
If a queue is when you wait in line behind another then the very word is a ‘Q’ with a whole bunch of letters behind it that are basically either irrelevant or silent, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 29 May 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
The death of Tina Turner had fans all over the world grieving including male Australian league players and fans who to this day hold her song ‘Simply the Best’ as their anthem to the beautiful game, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 22 May 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
Knowing corruption happens and saying nothing, means you accept it and allow them to be voted in again, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 15 May 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
Motherhood is not easy, if it were, then fathers would do it, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 8 May 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
Long live the King. By default, we have sworn allegiance to the Crown but what are we going to do when all our handshakes and financial donations are called into play?
Monday 1 May 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Opinion
Pride and prejudice exist in our sporting community where we have little pride and too much prejudice, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 24 April 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
The 21st century prides itself on its technological advancements but according to the Bible, Moses was the first person to receive information from the cloud onto his tablet on Mt Sinai. It was the ten commandments. This happened over a thousand years before Jesus was born, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 17 April 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
The decision to recognise our rainbow community has finally shown there is a heart in the ‘tin man’ politicians, writes Ruta Mave.
Tuesday 11 April 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
I notice that not many want to celebrate life but they will rush to a funeral at the drop of a hat, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 3 April 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
We did it and we got through unscathed – the power of prayer has once again protected us from the scourges of nature and apart from recent and much needed rain, the cyclone season has come to an end with no cyclones in our part of the world, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 27 March 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
The movies are always painting these pictures of the heroic man as standing for truth, justice and honesty. We see it so often we buy into it while eating our popcorn we think it is reality. It isn’t.
Monday 20 March 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Opinion
If you want to make God laugh then plan your life. Set out to achieve this and that goal, job pathway, future and inevitably something or someone comes along and it all changes, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 6 March 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Opinion
Sunday was children day and Wednesday is Women’s Day. When is men’s day? Everyday. Move on, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 27 February 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Opinion
Pride – A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
Monday 20 February 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Opinion
The modern handshake is believed to be at least 3000 years old. Although its existence has been around for a millennium it has existed in many forms, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 6 February 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Opinion
Art for art’s sake according to Oscar Wilde meant art need not express anything but itself. He put the value on artistry above anything else and regarded life as a kind of art form, to be lived beautifully, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 30 January 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
The Silence of the Lambs is a horror thriller movie from 1991 about a serial killer psychologist Hannibal Lecter helping FBI agent Clarice Starling to track down another serial killer, writes Ruta Mave.
Monday 23 January 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion
The Transparency International report indicates bribes and sexual favours are part of getting anything done in the ‘Crook Islands’. The mothers fighting for sport funding might need to address their skill set and try again.