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‘Park’ looks in pretty bad nick

Friday 15 January 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals


“What is happening with the Constitution Park? It’s starting to look like a real eyesore,” a smoke signaller says. Does the government have a plan for this empty space in town? Or is this yet again another example of government splashing mega dollars for a two-day event? Hey Mr Puna, how about thinking about the youth of the nation, and turning it into a skate park or recreational area for all to enjoy? At least when you’re voted out, we can have one positive thing to remember you by.

“What is happening with the Constitution Park? It’s starting to look like a real eyesore,” a smoke signaller says. Does the government have a plan for this empty space in town? Or is this yet again another example of government splashing mega dollars for a two-day event? Hey Mr Puna, how about thinking about the youth of the nation, and turning it into a skate park or recreational area for all to enjoy? At least when you’re voted out, we can have one positive thing to remember you by.

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