Monday 17 March 2025 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Opinion
Ruta Tangiiau Mave.
Women know how to have a party, they think of everything and everyone, there is plenty of food, ice and refreshments to suit everyone coming. The kids are catered for, organised and happy. People are picked up, reminded and invited, and if you arrive with a friend, there is always enough to go around. Men can’t organise a piss-up in a brewery half the time. So, if women are good at having parties, why don’t they have a political party? Women in Power.
As an objective viewer of our community chess board, which is scripted that everyone works to protect the king, who compared to the queen does very little. The queen is hypermobile and most formidable in attack and defence of all the pawns and pieces on her coloured squares. Why is the king the priority, why do we not protect her instead? Our politicians seem to think they are the king of the board and should be showered with gifts and grants.
This is why we have female voices in our computers and cars. Imagine Alexa was Alex. When you ask him to do something, he replies ‘yes in a minute, not now I’m busy or stop nagging me, I said I will do it and I will when I’m ready’. Similarly, in politics, ask the men to raise the wages for police, health and teachers. Yes, he said, three per cent he said, in 2019.
There was a full lunar eclipse blood moon last week and according to all the girls with nose piercings and fingers full of rings, it was a change in the stars’ energies and this could mean a lot of change and transformation for people at all levels. In reel after reel on Facebook, there was someone saying it is a time for manifestation, a time to ask for what you want.
Many ask to win lotto or win a million dollars despite the statistics saying the majority of people who win lotto are poorer two years after winning than they were before they won it.
Money does not change a person – money highlights and intensifies the true essence of a person. Both power and money reveal the real person in behind the façade and we have seen this in our politicians constantly with their self-indulgence, greed, lust and narcissism
A question was asked of AI on the changes the moon would create and what it may all mean. One text came back, talking about the role of women and it being their time to rise and be the leaders and guides they are born to be. Women are the nurturers, they create and support community, sharing life and loving with those around them. They are peacemakers.
When asked what is the role of men, AI replied – their job is to serve and protect the female.
AI went on to say that most of the problems in the world are due to men not remembering they are to protect the women, not use their stronger power to overcome and denigrate them. Men are not lesser or weaker than women, the main job of men has always been to protect and provide sustenance and support to the women who create children, food and harmony. Only, when men remember their true purpose will they be at peace with themselves and then each other. The ego of the male cannot destroy the fact that no matter what they achieve as the fastest, strongest or first on the moon, they were only able to because women created, carried and gave birth to all of them.
I take this to be a call to arms for women to rise up and start putting their feet, names and intentions into the hat to become a candidate and stand for the next election.
Te Tuhi Kelly made a call to arms for women to join his Progressive Party. A sound idea, however, I believe it is time for women to rise and form a women’s party.
It has been made clear from our present politicians that to run for office in the “Crook Islands”, knowing how to read or write is not an advantage, nor is having a degree in anything relevant like law or accounting. But having a conviction or warrant for arrest might be. Having a brain does not look half as important as having a testicle, nor does using one’s brain seem more useful than using one’s testicle.
Women might not be able to grow a pair but if they were in office, women could take the men by the kahuna’s squeeze to get their attention and see just how devoid of a heart they really are.
The elections are next year, so women it is time to stand up and start cutting people’s hedges.