Friday 7 February 2025 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Given the potential implications, the Government needs to be transparent with us the people on what leaning in closer to China means for us. What is the Government signing us up to while they are in China? Read the comments online what the people are saying about this trip.
Closer relations with China elsewhere in the Pacific have seen an increased presence of Chinese police on the streets - in Vanuatu, in Solomon Islands, in Kiribati. In October last year China parked two of its biggest warships at a port in Vanuatu, these ships were not there to assist with aid.
Furthermore, how much will this trip cost us, the tax payers? Last year Government has increased their travel budget by 51 per cent spending $650,000 on travel for Members of Parliament and their spouses. With our government unable to fulfil critical Police vacancies and pay recruits a decent living wage, the money for this trip could be better well spent.
(Name and address supplied)