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Church Talk: 201 years of the Gospel: ‘It’s an incredible honour’

Friday 25 October 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Church Talk, Features


Church Talk: 201 years of the Gospel: ‘It’s an incredible honour’
Margharet Matenga powers through the Titikaveka Ekalesia imene tuki during the Nuku Day celebrations in Titikaveka last year. MELINA ETCHES/23102657

What an incredible honour it is that this coming Monday, we will celebrate 201 years of the Gospel of Jesus Christ being welcomed and embraced into the Cook Islands, a nation that holds to His name and celebrates His goodness.

I feel great joy to live in a country where our governmental laws were established on a Christian foundation, and many of our customs honour the Lord Jesus.

We open our conferences, government meetings, and major celebrations with prayer, and it is customary to bless and dedicate new businesses, initiatives, or sports uniforms to the Lord. Although much of this is done out of religious tradition rather than personal conviction, the name of Jesus Christ is still consistently declared across all aspects of our community. Consequently, this has brought great blessings to our nation, making the Cook Islands a safe, prosperous, and peaceful country for many years. The land is fertile, our crops are bountiful, and our country is favoured. Compared to many other countries, this is a true rarity. 

I believe we are coming to a crossroads: will we continue to stand on the Word of God as our foundation or choose to embrace laws that contradict the Word?

The Bible is explicitly clear in Proverbs 14:34, ‘Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.’ If we choose to honour the Lord Jesus Christ and align our laws with Biblical commands, we will continue to be a safe and prosperous land. However, if we decide to turn away from the Word of God and change our laws to contradict scripture, I am telling you now, the blessing of God, that has elevated our country, will be lifted and we will reap destructive consequences. 

We are now witnessing many Western countries that were also built on Christian foundations turning away from their Christ-honouring roots and have now replaced biblical governance with secular laws and values.

As a result, these countries now face struggling economies, increased crime, violence, and civil unrest. This is nothing new, as this pattern is evident in the Bible with Israel, who at many different points disobeyed the Lord and served other idols, leading to all sorts of destructive consequences. It wasn’t until they came to their senses, returned to their foundation and cried out to God for forgiveness that these consequences were relented, and the blessing of the Lord returned. 

As a smaller nation, there is a lot of external pressure from other countries, global organisations and various interest groups that want us to align with their ideologies.

Amidst all of this noise, one thing must remain central: our Christian foundation.

If we decide to put our trust in Jesus and continue to be governed by the Word of God, it does not matter what type of economic turmoil or health crisis hits the world, the Cook Islands will be secure because we have put God first. His promises are true and history proves that He is faithful to stand with those who stand with Him!

We must understand that the favour of God is the very thing we should seek after as a country.

When His favour rests on a nation, it brings supernatural prosperity and provision, peace and unity, international recognition, and the opening of miraculous doors. God’s favour extends beyond our country as a whole; it also reaches into our families and individual lives, bringing blessing and abundance into every aspect. No person, family, or nation on Earth wouldn’t desire the blessings that come with God’s favour, nor is there any nation or organisation that could provide the level of abundance that His favour brings. This is only possible when we are aligned with the Word of God and exalt one name - the name of Jesus Christ!

To Him be the glory. 

  • Jonathan Cargill, Pastor at Celebration Church, Rarotonga 


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