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Court briefs

Friday 12 July 2024 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Court, National


Court briefs

A number of driving related matters were presented to the Justice of the Peace Vania Kenning at the Criminal Court in Avarua yesterday.

Raphy Larano was discharged without conviction for careless driving after police prosecutor senior sergeant Fairoa Tararo said alcohol was not involved and he had fallen asleep at the wheel after dropping his wife off at work.

The court heard that on May 27 this year, Larano drove a motor vehicle and crashed at the Tupapa main road past the Super Brown store hitting a power pole and onto a billboard sign towards town.

JP Kenning allowed the discharge without conviction, noting no alcohol was involved, it was fatigue that caused the crash and reparations to Te Aponga Uira was already arranged.


A teenager charged with unlawful taking and careless driving has pleaded guilty to the charges through his lawyer Mark Short.

The accused, who has been granted interim name suppression as he is a school student, will be sentenced before three Justices of the Peace on September 11.


Steven Kavana will be sentenced for his excess breath alcohol from 2022 on August 26.

Senior sergeant Fairoa Tararo said the defendant had pleaded guilty on December 1 last year. The matter which was with the Chief Justice court has been transferred to the JP court.