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Letter: Shake up the Police force

Tuesday 28 May 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Shake up the Police force

A few suggestions on restoring pride in our Police force.

1. Promote current deputy (Aka) Matapo to replace (Police Commissioner James) Keenan. Staff shortages is no excuse for non-performance.

2. If not Matapo, bring in another like Pat Tasker, by far the most effective head in recent years.

3. Change staff rosters to have 70 per cent of officers including top brass on the road between 8pm and 6am instead of attending meetings or seminars to wherever the junket is.

4. Reward all staff fairly for effort.

5.Why do the Police require a spokesperson like Trevor Pitt? Surely a competent Commissioner can comment to media – provided he is at his desk doing what he is paid for.

6. Less overseas junkets and more leadership at the front line.

A few thoughts.


(Name and address supplied)