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Letter: Continuing inflation . . .

Thursday 20 April 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Continuing inflation . . .
Photo: Supplied

KiaOrana, Cook Islands News front page item, 18 April 2023 refers…TAU can try whatever sidestep they want to, trying to suggest that those fuel increases were continuing to affect power rates in Rarotonga and Aitutaki.

However, the facts are clear…TAU put in a “temporary “, fuel surcharge last year, citing increases in fuel costs…since then there have been a number of fuel decreases…and yet the temporary surcharge is still in place….a pretty obvious exercise in gouging. Perhaps, the Minister in charge needs to get involved to address this clear case of the voting public being ripped off. In this time of continuing inflation, this situation will not help the iti tangata to survive.

Details supplied


Sally Wyatt on 26/04/2023

TAU announced their fuel price surcharge of $0.15 c/kWh in September, noting that the surcharge would run from October 2022 to June 2023.