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Church Talk

Maori leader is laid to rest

Tuesday 14 June 2016 | Published in Regional


NEW ZEALAND – Revered Maori leader Sir Graham Latimer was farewelled by hundreds of mourners at a funeral in Northland on Saturday.

Whanau, friends and prominent New Zealanders were among those who gathered for a church service at Te Paatu Marae in Pamapuria, south of Kaitaia. His body was then taken to the Tarakaka Urupa, 600 metres away, with hundreds of mourners in tow.

Parliamentarians and members of the Defence Force were among those who turned up to pay their respects.

Sir Graham, one of the first members of the Waitangi Tribunal, died at his Pamapuria home on Tuesday at the age of 90 after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease.

The church service was led by Reverend Te Kitohi Pikaahu, the Bishop of Tai Tokerau.

Speeches were made by the chairman of the New Zealand Maori Council, Sir Taihakurei Durie, his co-chair Maanu Paul, and James Eruera of Ngapuhi Nui Tonu.

A message was read on behalf of Prime Minister John Key and the Crown was represented by National MPs Shane Reti and Chester Borrows. La-bour’s Tai Tokerau MP Kelvin Davis also attended.

Sir Graham was described as the greatest activist this country has had, and his contribution to the lives of not only Maori but all New Zealanders was highlighted.

Sir Graham, they said, took risks by mortgaging his farm to achieve better outcomes for his people and was relentless in his effort to promote te reo Maori.

“He went on to become a leading figure in Maori attainment of a substantial share of our fisheries, as well as ownership of lands underlying Crown forests,” said Rangimarie Naida Glavish, president of the Maori Party in her tribute.

“As much as any other Maori leader, Ta Kereama laid the foundations for what has become today a Maori economy worth over $40 billion. But, more than that economic progress and security, he played a huge role in restoring our own pride and mana.”

Sir Graham’s coffin was put on a waka and transported at walking pace to the urupa where he was to be laid to rest after a short service.

Sir Graham is survived by five children and many mokopuna.

- PNC sources