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Arriving just in time

Thursday 9 May 2019 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local


Arriving just in time
Sandra Lazaro (right) with her new baby girl Shirley Haven Napa who entered the world on Tuesday night about 11.40pm. She weighed five pounds five ounces (2.5kg); and Walevaka Tinirau (left) with her second child, an eight-pound (3.6kg) daughter who was born at 4am yesterday.

MOTHER’S Day is this Sunday,and Cook Islanders all over the world are dipping into their pockets to say thank you to their mums. Sandra Lazaro (right) with her new baby girl Shirley Haven Napa who entered the world on Tuesday night about 11.40pm is celebrating Mother's Day with her new born.

MOTHER’S Day is this Sunday,and Cook Islanders all over the world are dipping into their pockets to say thank you to their mums. Sandra Lazaro (right) with her new baby girl Shirley Haven Napa who entered the world on Tuesday night about 11.40pm is celebrating Mother's Day with her new born.

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