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Cruelty to cat ‘unspeakable’

Saturday 24 May 2014 | Published in Local


Cruelty to cat ‘unspeakable’
Sadly the cat referred to in the letter had to be euthanized because of the extent of its injuries, but life goes on at the Ester Honey Foundation, with the seemingly never-ending task to finding homes for cats and kittens, dogs and puppies. Jackson (pictured) is looking for someone to adopt him – and, as the letter writer suggests, give him plenty of exercise. 14052326

Dear Editor, Prov 12:10 “A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest act of the wicked are cruel” and on this note I would like to bring to the scrutiny of the public a very distressing incident.

Dear Editor, Prov 12:10 “A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest act of the wicked are cruel” and on this note I would like to bring to the scrutiny of the public a very distressing incident.

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