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Understanding Marae Moana

Wednesday 24 October 2018 | Published in Environment


Understanding Marae Moana
By keeping the Cook Islands beautiful and colourful, Marae Moana seeks to contribute to sustainable economic development. PHOTO: Cook Islands Tourism Corporation 18101782

Surveys commissioned by the team managing Marae Moana reveal that little is known within the Cook Islands community about the marine park covering our whole ocean - what it is, what it means, and why it matters. Respondents under the age of 17 were more aware than all other age groups, reflecting the success of school visits and sessions at Lagoon Day.

Surveys commissioned by the team managing Marae Moana reveal that little is known within the Cook Islands community about the marine park covering our whole ocean - what it is, what it means, and why it matters. Respondents under the age of 17 were more aware than all other age groups, reflecting the success of school visits and sessions at Lagoon Day.

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