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Long trip home for WW1 memento

Tuesday 4 September 2018 | Published in Culture


Long trip home for WW1 memento
Tamatoa Tepai with the brass tankard, made from an old artillery shell. 18082706

This article was contributed by Susan Hanaray (nee Matheson) who arrived in Rarotonga as a 6 year old in 1972, She attended Side School/Avatea, then went on to Tereora College where she spent 5 years as a student. She left Rarotonga in December 1985. She has a Bachelor of Arts (University of Canterbury), Graduate Diploma in Arts in History and BA (Hons) in History both from Victoria University of Wellington.

This article was contributed by Susan Hanaray (nee Matheson) who arrived in Rarotonga as a 6 year old in 1972, She attended Side School/Avatea, then went on to Tereora College where she spent 5 years as a student. She left Rarotonga in December 1985. She has a Bachelor of Arts (University of Canterbury), Graduate Diploma in Arts in History and BA (Hons) in History both from Victoria University of Wellington.

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