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Soul musician gives her heart to her island’s reef

Saturday 16 November 2019 | Published in Hot on the Rock


Soul musician gives her heart to her island’s reef
Kura Happ from Ariimoana Reef Tours leads a group of Australian and Canadian tourists out on the reef at Vaimaanga. ALISHA STREET 19111525 - 19111534

When Kura Happ leads a group of Australian and Canadian tourists out on the Rarotonga reef, her goal isn’t to makes lots of money – it’s to show local kids they can stay home and build a dream, it’s to build on her own dream, and it’s to make the world a more sustainable place by changing one perspective at a time. Story by Rachel Reeves, photos by Alisha Street.

When Kura Happ leads a group of Australian and Canadian tourists out on the Rarotonga reef, her goal isn’t to makes lots of money – it’s to show local kids they can stay home and build a dream, it’s to build on her own dream, and it’s to make the world a more sustainable place by changing one perspective at a time. Story by Rachel Reeves, photos by Alisha Street.

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